It’s that time of year for SCHOLARSHIPS. The Sacramento Chapter is offering the following student scholarships for 2024:


  • James C. Ray Transportation Scholarship ($2,500)
  • APWA Scholarship for Graduating High School Seniors (up to $1,000)
  • APWA Scholarship for Community College Students (up to $2,000)
  • APWA Scholarship for Technical School Students (up to $2,000)
  • APWA Scholarship for University Students (up to $3,000)


All chosen recipients will also receive one year paid APWA membership to either the student or professional chapter of their choice.


These scholarships are available for students pursuing a career in a Public Works field, and/or transportation engineering field at varying levels of education. Please use the links below to download the announcements detailing the application requirements and important dates, as well as the application forms.


The application deadline is April 12, 2024. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity.


Scholarships for Community College Students
Application for Community College Students
Scholarships for Graduating High School Seniors
Application for for Graduating High School Seniors
Scholarships for Technical School Students
Application for Technical School Students
Scholarship Program for University Students
Application for for University Students
James C. Ray Transportation Scholarship 
James C. Ray Transportation Scholarship Criteria
James C. Ray Transportation Scholarship Application




Can I apply for both the James C. Ray Transportation scholarship and APWA University scholarship at the same time?


Can I apply for the scholarship if I’m a graduating college-level senior?

Yes, the scholarship can be applied towards graduate educational programs with verification of full-time enrollment.

Where is the scholarship money sent?

The check will be sent to you, and should be forwarded immediately to your school as payment for the upcoming semester.

When will I receive my scholarship check?

The checks will be sent out in August of the scholarship year.

What happens after I’ve been notified of my selection as a scholarship?

When you receive the scholarship award letter via email, you will need to provide the requested information in the letter, RSVP to the announcement dinner, which will take place on May 22, 2024, and provide a color headshot photo with a short bio. You will be expected to give a short, one-minute speech at the event introducing yourself and your goals in the Public Works field.

Can I bring friends and family to the announcement dinner?

Yes, you may invite up to 3 guests to support you at the event for no charge.

Do I have to attend the dinner to receive my scholarship?

No, but it is encouraged to make connections with the Public Works professionals that will be in attendance at the event.


For additional questions, please email Kristy Chang at:
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